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A young coot on a sunny afternoon
The new herring season started this week
Last view on my vacation house. Time to go home
On a bike ride this morning
Cod with (zaanse) mustard and dried tarragon. Ready for baking..
Field peas. One of the ingredients of today’s meal
An ant, ruining my garden π
They survived the hot weather!
My (open) window view
Before I made a (very) nice sauce of them.
Detail of the backside of a sleeping (European) hedgehog in my garden. No idea where she came from, no idea where she was going.
A new pair of home knitted socks
View from Knocknarea Hill, which has a cairn on top and also a cloud today.
Preparing a mango salsa.
It was a nice soccer evening π
Wanted to make a portrait of both our cats, no luck. So just Neo for today.