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Pleasant surprise today! Received a parcel with a beautiful and large bouquet of tulips. Had to use my wide angle lens for this one. Now I only need some flower arrangement skills.
This morning on the ferry to work
Socks, almost ready…
Another snapshot of the hydrofoil
A quick snapshot this afternoon of daffodils. It looks like spring.
Busy detail of a flower
It’s nice to have orchids when you’re out of ideas.
This morning on the ferry to work.
One of my experiments of today.
Made some nice dessert today. Lots of chocolate!
Still working with my camera phone
Fresh from the needles! Another one for I really need to update that site.
Almost forgotten. Can’t do a remake, it tasted still very well.
A nice one made by my wife, waiting to be eaten π
Potatoes, unions and parsley. Nice with some steak!
A snapshot I made this afternoon in Amsterdam
Just another try with my camera phone. Soup tasted very well though.
Smoke lit by the early morning sun.
Not sure if it’s a real or false one. Gave it some water after a few years.
Btw. In P&S mode the next weeks. Main camera (7D) in repair, backup camera (50D) doesn’t work anymore π
Fresh from the supermarket.
Still busy with my new phone camera
Busy and long day today, so just a quick snapshot of my morning cup of coffee.
Found some (very fragile) quail eggs in the supermarket and just wanted to do something with them.
…or is it just a kitchen incident?
Sold as a tasty snack
Trying out my new camera phone or is it phone camera? Impressed by the sharpness at 1/17 s without flash.