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My cooking of today. Sole on a bed of leek and white wine
An afternoon snack
A bird, searching for a prey
Detail of some kind of flower
Broccoli leftovers in my kitchen.
Cookies from the bakery
View on the Zaan (river) and Zaandam at the end of the afternoon
Wonderful area with waterfall somewhere in the western hills of Mainland, Shetlands
A blooming schlumbergera in the house
I always like these flowers.
An evening snack
Testing the panorama feature of my phone (Galaxy S2) camera. It’s simple to use, but Samsung should skip this option, unless they can produce some better quality.
Too busy with other things today, so here’s a photo of a cookie, made in the late evening.
Very tasteful on a pizza.
An unplanned photo of a leftover.
Several days old already, but still tasting very well