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Grazing cows. A view on a long bike ride
A vase with sunflowers in my overheated garden
After my vacation, beautiful weeds were waiting for me (and a rotten hard disk with 66,000 photos)
“Welcome back home” flowers 🙂
Nescio bridge, Amsterdam. My last bike ride to the office. Time for stepping back after 40 years.
Detail of a glass of cold water
Picked some red currants from my garden
Wonderful flower, started as seed. (See my Apr 10 photo)
I came home today after a nice vacation and the courgettes were blooming in the late afternoon sun!
Out of ideas for tonight, so….
Ingredients of the panna cotta I made today.
A sparrow in my hedge in the late evening sun this afternoon.
Last nature walk in Ireland. Going to Dublin tomorrow.
A spider behind her web
Another “Wiki loves art” session today after work. The ING art collection. Beautiful modern art. This statue was the only one outside. “Grote steigerende”, 1974, made by Arthur Spronken.