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Close-up of a match
Light food for a weak stomach
Inside of a tulip
The smallest bunker vessel of Europe (according to the sign) in the Zaan river
A new pair is ready and leaving the house soon.
Remains of a mussel meal
Aluminium foil in B&W
Identical socks, but sometimes you see lines, sometimes you see hearts.
It’s blooming again!
It was a B&W day this morning
Lots of sites are asking you to allow one, but there aren’t many sites to present one π
Today’s dessert. Buttermilk panna cotta with “kletskoppen”.
I just liked this old tulip.
Was in Den Helder today for an (indoor field) hockey game, but it was also nice outside (except for the wind and temperature)
We have some beautiful branches in the house, but I don’t know the name of the tree they came from, probably some kind of willow.
Somewhere in my living room
A quick improvisation for today (came home very late). Used the well known action again.