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Enjoying a nice (but weak) sun in the morning on the ferry to work.
I do like the macro feature of my P&S here, although I prefer my other camera with macro lens for this type of photos.
Snapshot of some buildings. Tried to edit all the vertical lines straight.
Park near my work. The buildings were once part of a gas factory.
Trying out the stitch feature of my P&S camera (handheld).
Too difficult for the software that came with the camera, but luckily there are other programs.
Watching my son’s game. Didn’t knew here we had to spent the rest of the evening in the hospital, but luckily he’s at home now without serious damage.
No interesting colors or light, so just a nice shape
Got a large and beautiful bouquet today from my employer (for getting my photography diploma).
Bought some mussels today for my Food-a-Week photo and a nice snack for the family.
Nice afternoon walk on the beach. Not so cold and sun!
Made many photos today, but I just publish one I didn’t made, although it was my camera. Got my photography diploma today π
Dark and rainy day, so just playing inside with my P&S
Found a function on my P&S to reduce the amount of flash! With full flash this would have been far too light. Looks like I have to find and read the manual again for other features.
A view on our local theatre.
Once in a while my wife needs photos of her home made socks for a lottery. Two pair this time, so I used one of each and the build in flash, since I don’t have any external flash support with my P&S camera.
I was in town today and there were some boats leaving the lock. We even did had some blue in the sky!
On my way to work. This water is circulating around a power station
Whenever I have no time for making photos, there’s always the ferry. A busy day today with a 10 minutes delay before it could cross the canal.
Just a snapshot for today. Our new city center, still under construction.
A try to capture this cake with my P&S camera.
Colored leaves under water near a very small waterfall in a park. With flash since it was too gray today.
Just a quick photo in my garden for today. Same flower as my Oct 14 photo π
Near Zaandam railroad station on my way home.
Looks like the tree can’t decide between green and yellow
Made a (very nice) dessert for today: stewed pears mousse.
Before and after the (2 hours) stewing. For a dessert tomorrow π
4 baking rings I got today.
Lovely light this morning on the ferry to work
A quick photo of a nice snack
Closeup of a (delicious) mandarin