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Tiny pieces (1mm) of salt on a piece of foam
Detail of a grater
Fresh flowers in the house
Detail of a raspberry
Potato chips with a flavor. An afternoon snack
Detail of an old yellow rose
Weed from my overheated garden. In dutch it’s called “stinkende gouwe”
I did a little bit of hedge trimming today
In memory of my wife who passed away two years ago
A spider in my garden
Detail of a socket
Close-up of a syrup waffle
A fresh sunflower in the house
Ingredient for my daily cup of coffee
An afternoon snack
One of the fresh roses in the house
A ladybird in my garden. It looks like she’s eating something
Detail of the cat brush
The top of a bottle with cherry beer. A cherry sauce ingredient
Detail of a sunflower
A big fly in my hedge
Detail of an (old) dianthus
Part of a fresh flower in the house
Picked from my hedge
A hover fly in my sunny garden
A flesh fly (Sarcophaga carnaria) in my garden
A holly blue butterfly (“boomblauwtje”) in my sunny, but windy garden
A fully open peony
One of the fresh tulips in the house
A crane fly in my hedge
One of the blooming thorns in my garden (with a fly in the background)