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A chicken on a farm in the neighborhood
A heron in the field
A northern lapwing in the field
A duck at the start of a heavy shower.
Another dragonfly. This time in my (vacation) garden
A dragonfly near a small stream
Our old cat in the garden
A swan in the North Sea canal
A muscovy duck in a park
A bee on a raspberry in my garden
A wasp in a spider web in my garden
A wild goose in the field
A family of swans
Hover flies in my garden
A walking jackdaw in the field
A common moorhen in a ditch nearby
A white butterfly in my overheated garden
A mosquito catcher in my (hot) garden
Ants in my garden
A fly on a raspberry leaf in my garden
Another butterfly on a raspberry leaf
A geese family meeting
My cat in my grass
A butterfly in my garden
Our local herd gathered together in the shade
A sparrow in my hedge
Exmoor ponies. They suddenly appeared on the other side of my (vacation) garden fence
A roe deer from the forest came to visit my (vacation) garden to eat some leaves and took some rest in a shady part.
A young water bird walking over the lily leaves. Not sure if it’s a moorhen or a coot
A cormorant on a cold and windy morning. (Oostvoornse meer)
A blackbird in my holly tree