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Bread, not baked myself, but I sliced it
Detail of an old tulip
First first quarter of the moon this year (and an almost bright sky for a few hours)
Detail of a tulip
A small (fresh) flower
A pineapple, ready for the slaughter
Chicory with ham and cheese, straight from the oven.
Chicory with ham and cheese, straight from the oven.
My oven dish with cheese (!), ham and chicory
Latest addition on Size 48 Dutch, 15 for the USA I think, so too big for me π
Something went wrong with these cookies. Not sure how or when, but anyway, they still taste very well!
Mussels cooked in white wine with herbs and vegetables, served with a salad and french fries
The amaryllis is still alive. Photo from above. (Part 11 of my weekly series)
A new Dutch king (since 1890) and a lovely queen are announced today. Time for some sweets.
Pleasant surprise today! Received a parcel with a beautiful and large bouquet of tulips. Had to use my wide angle lens for this one. Now I only need some flower arrangement skills.
Abstract of a swinging banana
My kitchen is gone. Here’s some new plumbing.
Going to use my original PaD for a challenge, so I needed something else.