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A small piece of broccoli on a far larger piece
A magpie in a tree
Rock sugar
Inside a white tulip
Vegetable collection for dinner
Stewing fennel with tomatoes, covered by a lid of glass
Roulade from the grill. Served with a cranberry sauce.
Roulade from the grill. Served with a cranberry sauce.
Chocolate muffin from the bakery. I really need to do some baking myself again.
New tulips in the house
A simple pan coaster
A very tiny detail
Nut pie baked by my wife
Garden torch in the snow at night. Brrrr, it was cold.
This morning on the ferry to work.
The inside of a tulip
I forgot the real name. Didn’t tasted it yet, seems to be very hot.
Boiled egg. Always hungry when time flies.