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Detail of a tape measure
Accessories of a food processor
Detail of a potato peeler
A new one
The only thing left of delicious pralines
A detail. On the menu later…
“Engadiner nusstorte”. Baked by my wife. So sweet, literally π
“Engadiner nusstorte”. Baked by my wife. So sweet, literally π
While busy with making an onion quiche
We were cut off from the rest of the world this morning. Serious power outage. No trains, no internet, no phone and no coffee. But all is fine now.
A sparrow lighted by the late afternoon sun
Early snowdrops in my garden
A collection of some new (small) pans.
A late evening photo.
Fresh from the needles! Another one for I really need to update that site.
A sign of the spring in the house
Ingredients for my Food-a-week photo (it was a gray and rainy day outside).