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Ingredient of the meatloaf I made today.
Latest addition on Size 48 Dutch, 15 for the USA I think, so too big for me π
Straight from the grocery. My new oven needs some time before I can use it.
Detail of a tulip. Same tulips as 6 days ago.
Ingredients of a delicious “stamppot andijvie”, served with homemade meatballs
I needed some fresh vitamins today.
A kitchen view
Neo, one of our cats. It’s always special when she wants to pose.
Close up of an old pie iron. Food improvisation today, Our oven broke down π
New tulips in the house
An experiment with a broken lamp
While busy in the kitchen
We were cut off from the rest of the world this morning. Serious power outage. No trains, no internet, no phone and no coffee. But all is fine now.
3 screws I found somewhere in my room tonight.
Detail of a new sweater my wife knitted for me
Rain, thunder, hail and snow outside today, so it’s nice to have a tulip in the house.
Red onions and celery on the foreground, smoked chicken and 3 kind of beans on the background.
The end of a hyacinth
Burned a candle on 13-01-2016, a glass of whisky today to remember a good friend, Cheers!
Knitted birds
A new amaryllis in the house
These parts were just waiting to be part of my dinner today…
A delicious Saturday afternoon snack
A delicious Saturday afternoon snack
Busy with dinner…
Late evening fruit
While stewing chicken in “bokbier”.
A hyacinth is blooming in the house
Delicious nuts in the late evening
A small part, but the start of a great meal