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Home made. A present for me π
It’s early, but Easter is coming…
A portrait of my daughter
An angel captured in glass.
Match on real grass, canceled due to too many injuries and unsportive behaviour.
A nice upgrade (I hope). But first, battery charging time.
Made a wonderful walk on the beach today from IJmuiden to Bloemendaal and back.
The outside of a delicious inside.
A 15m high coal conveyer was burning on my way to work.
A wonderful morning at the hockey field, although we lost with 1-6
A sparrow in my garden with a blue sky. Lovely birds, but they can make a lot of noise.
Not often I get 2 of those offered on one day.
It was a gray morning on the ferry today.
Scrambled eggs with dill and cheese, officially for breakfast, but also nice as lunch.
Another flower shot
Presents, got and to be given.
A closeup. I like the sunny view.
A beautiful day today! Here’s an early tulip in my garden with some snowdrops in the background.
View on the Nozema tower of Wormer (NL)
A piece of ginger. I have a “rhinoceros” feeling with this one
Just one piece of this nice salad.
A recipe I tried today. Sausages with bacon and brown sugar, baked in the oven.
Still not eaten
An old souvernir. Great things when you’re running out of time.
So nice when they’re new.
Weekend food
This morning on my way to work
The remains of a kitchen accident (broken lid)
Playing with stroboscopic light and a ball
Another old souvenir, two inches high. I just love the expression on the face,