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Detail of an old brush
Detail of an orchid
White beech mushrooms (for dinner)
Small tomatoes for a salad
Raspberry in water with bubbels
Detail of an old and used fountain pen.
Detail of an old and used fountain pen.
Detail of (colorful) sock needles
Some fruit…
Teaspoon in a tea glass
Peeled and to be stewed
Vase with water and tulips (the lower part)
The rosemary in my garden has already flowers.
Inside of a tulip
Part of a red onion
Dried rosemary leaves
Small old flowers
The very inside.
Staples in paper
Remains of our pink tulips
Detail of an orchid
Brussels sprouts for today
Playing with a safety pin
A small (fresh) flower
A well known liquorice
Detail of an old pencil
Fresh ones in the house
Detail of a herb
Picked from my garden
Half a walnut
We got some nice crocus corms today. They should become purple.