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Playing with my Lensbaby tonight
Need some practice with pinhole before the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day on Apr 28.
New toy to play with, just out the box.
The last photo of a blurry month π
A blurry closeup of a candle of glass
A “watching sport” meal
Surprised about the desolated look here. Guess it’s the grass (and the magic of the lensbaby)
The healthy part of a nice BBQ on a very hot day.
A (strange) boat on the canal while waiting for the ferry to work this morning.
A lensbaby view of a spider (with an extension tube)
Garden view
A lensbaby view of a building I often see when making a short walk around lunch time.
My wife needed a photo of her (home made) socks, so I gave it (also) a try with the lensbaby.
View of a (part of a) piece of art, named the “Lost city” and made by Harald Schole.
A view with the lensbaby zone plate optic.
A leaf with a fly.
Experiment with a lensbaby and a 25mm extension tube.
Playing with cherry tomatoes while making dinner
The bees were busy this afternoon after some heavy rain and thunder this morning.
Home made chocolate pie with fresh cherries.
A sansevieria in the rain. First attempt with a pinhole.
For the 7th time (large) boats with people, music (and beer) went from Wormer to Zaandam, accompanied by hundreds of small boats.
Meat pie with spices.
Busy in the kitchen. Nice and easy dessert with mango, lime juice/rasp and whipped cream.