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Delicious cookies with coffee icing.
Cookies from the bakery
Fresh syrup waffles from the market
Detail of a cookie
Detail of a cookie
To be eaten…
Cookies with sugar and almond (from the supermarket)
Content of my cookie jar today
A cookie. Fits well with a cup of coffee.
A cookie. Fits well with a cup of coffee.
It is the time of the year
Baked by my wife. They taste even better than they look
Playing with cookies and a good excuse to eat some more π
Buttercookies from the shop. With and without chocolate.
Fresh from the market
Detail of a sirup waffle. It was a delicious one!
You can’t stop eating them π
“Krakelingen” in the late evening
The inside of my biscuit tin
Playing with cookies in the late evening…
There are more on the bottom, but that would be distracting π
It’s the time of the year for this…
More cookies A syrup waffle
Good combination with a cup of coffee
A good combination with a cup of coffee
I’m slowly getting into Easter mood
With some extras π
From the supermarket. Perhaps I should bake some myself this weekend.
Cookies in the late evening
My wife has baked delicious cookies today
My wife baked some today π