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Weed in my garden
Pigeon on the ridge of a roof
Busy in the grass
Picked this from the grass (before the mowing)
Same peonies as 12 days ago. Almost gone now
Chives from my garden
Reflection of the sky after the rain today, so it was a nice evening after all.
Waiting to be filled with eggs and white asparagus
Picked some fennel leaves from my garden
Ingredient for a nice meal.
A blooming water lily in my pond.
A late evening snapshot on the ferry to home. It was a long day today.
Ship on the canal (Noordzeekanaal) and a power plant 2.5 km away.
Picked one from my hedge. Lots of bugs inside. I think it’s a hawthorn, but I’m not sure.
A piece of home made rhubarb pie.
A flower in one of the strawberry plants I bought yesterday.