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The center of some small weed from my garden
Following the same way tomorrow, but it will take somewhat longer and I hope to make some nice photos there 🙂
Detail of a sunflower
A whole field of them
An oven dish with chicory, cod and potatoes for today
Detail of my new dishwasher brush
Rermains of our (old) hospital, new one is in the background
Ready for the oven. Served with an avocado salad afterwards.
No internet available at home since the afternoon, but there were some old peaches, waiting for a photo.
Neo, one of our cats
Lots of rain falling on my garden table
The uncooked version
And some bugs 🙂
Today’s sunset, it’s raining while posting this one 🙁
We’ve a small garden, but a lot of redcurrants this year. Here’s the start 🙂
Looking down from lighthouse “Långe Jan” on the south point of Öland.