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Detail of a flower in a bouquet
A chicken on a farm in the neighborhood
Shrimps with dill. A late afternoon snack
The end of a celosia due to lack of water π
A clove on cheese
A pink flower. I don’t know the name
A small detail of a dandelion from my garden
A heron in the field
A northern lapwing in the field
Another flower detail
Another flower detail
Another flower detail
While cleaning mussels in my sink
Another flower detail
Detail of an unexpected bouquet I got today
The sun was shining on this dusty piece of plastic
Shoe maintenance (in bath) after a muddy walk in my vacation
Last view on my vacation house. It was time to go home
In my (vacation) garden.
A duck at the start of a heavy shower.
A small chapel in the neighborhood. Built in 1939
Another dragonfly. This time in my (vacation) garden
A dragonfly near a small stream
Reflections in a stream
My house for the coming week. On vacation in Oisterwijk
A late afternoon snack
Weed with my small pond as background
From my hedge
Chili pepper and rice. Ingredients for dinner
In memory of my wife who passed away a year ago
Our old cat in the garden