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Brussels sprouts for today
Playing with a safety pin
They’re slowly starting to grow
A small (fresh) flower
Bubbles and bacon. Busy with dinner
A well known liquorice
Detail of an old pencil
Fresh ones in the house
Detail of a herb
Picked from my garden
Half a walnut
Vegetable collection for dinner
We got some nice crocus corms today. They should become purple.
Inside a tulip. They’re almost gone
The only thing left of delicious pralines
First snow since a long time.
A detail
Detail of a tomato
A closer look at grapes
Fresh flowers in the house
Garlic skin
Detail of a yellow orchid
Raspberry plant. First night frost this winter in my garden
The outside of a small piece of ginger
Shiitake, upside down
Uncleaned yet. Ingredient for stewed chicken in beer
A clove on clove cheese
Detail of a dusty old DVI-I to VGA converter
The inside
Detail of a net
Praline with decoration on the background