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A snapshot. Needed a playpen for my grandson
View on our local waterfall
The flower
Detail of (colorful) sock needles
A unicorn and a ducky π
Small colorful weed on a windy day with the bricks of my house as background. Flowers are about 1 cm.
Small colorful weed on a windy day with the bricks of my house as background. Flowers are about 1 cm.
Remains of a celery
An old school building
Fresh flowers in the house
Some playing in my kitchen. Cooked mussel on leek. A mussel-leek pie was on the menu today. π
My son fits my socks, so these are definitely not for me, but my wife did a great job again.
A late evening snack
Weekend food
An early morning photo in my garden. We had some night frost.
Reminder to a heavy dentist visit today.