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Inner part of lemon grass (need some for my grape compote)
The mouth of a beer bottle.
Sweet and ergonomic
Florence fennel, bought some for dinner
Closeup of a strawberry in B&W
Detail of a pineapple.
A cut kale detail
That’s what the label said. I just love the colors here
Some sweets in the late evening
More knitting work of my wife. This pair, there is another sock, was finished today, but there are more to come.
Just killed some potatoes with it 🙂
Cat nr.2 (See Feb.11 for Cat nr.1). She always love me around dinner time 🙂
Another macro of this wonderful flower.
Some small flowers, don’t know the name.
A natural triptych. Reflection in three metal plates (don’t know what it is, art?), heavily corrected for perspective. Didn’t want to see myself today