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Detail of a very old tulip
The heart of a snowdrop
Stools in the waiting room of the dentist
Snowdrops in my garden
Remains of our pink tulips
Heating butter
Crocus inside. Prelude to the spring?
Pork rind, a delicious snack
Practical for the remains. (My wife is busy with this)
On a mirror…
A lovely smelling spice. Dried exterior coat of the nutmeg (as I learned today).
In the early morning light,
A very needed liquid this day
Another quick snapshot. It’s terrible cold (from a Dutch point of view) and snow is expected for tomorrow
You can’t keep these too long.
This isn’t my first and will not be my last photo of socks made by my wife.
School day today. Here’s my bike parked in front of the school. Just a quick snapshot during lunchtime.