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A (belated) birthday present for me π
A (belated) birthday present for me π
Remains of broccoli in my kitchen π
Remains of broccoli in my kitchen π
Last holiday photo. View on Batenburg castle (ruin) in the morning.
Last holiday photo. View on Batenburg castle (ruin) in the morning.
One of my last views (for now) on the Meuse before heading home tomorrow. On the left the mill of Dieden.
One of my last views (for now) on the Meuse before heading home tomorrow. On the left the mill of Dieden.
Jackdaws on top of a ruin. View from my sunny (vacation) garden in the late afternoon
Jackdaws on top of a ruin. View from my sunny (vacation) garden in the late afternoon
Ginger tea in the sun after a relaxed walk in an open air museum. (Museumpark Orientalis).
Ginger tea in the sun after a relaxed walk in an open air museum. (Museumpark Orientalis).
Art with the river and trees as background
Art with the river and trees as background
Grape hyacinths on a spring-like day
Grape hyacinths on a spring-like day
View on the Meuse on a afternoon walk
View on the Meuse on a afternoon walk
Start of a short holiday today. This will be our view the coming week. Ruins of Batenburg castle.
Start of a short holiday today. This will be our view the coming week. Ruins of Batenburg castle.
Another garden detail. One of the very few that are blooming, but the future looks promising
Another garden detail. One of the very few that are blooming, but the future looks promising
Remake of my March 01 photo to try out my new camera in the dark.
Remake of my March 01 photo to try out my new camera in the dark.
My train on a grey Friday morning
My train on a grey Friday morning
Spring started here officially yesterday at 22:58. Missed that moment (vast asleep) and today was just dull gray. Let’s hope the rest of this season will be better. And for my southern friends: looking forward to see some autumn colors
Spring started here officially yesterday at 22:58. Missed that moment (vast asleep) and today was just dull gray. Let’s hope the rest of this season will be better. And for my southern friends: looking forward to see some autumn colors
Looks like it’s time to start mowing π
Looks like it’s time to start mowing π
Sparrow in my hedge in the afternoon sun. Well protected against big birds, cats and human